Retinato quality 1kg wedge
Retinato chese is made from semi-skimmed cow’s milk. This fine grain cheese is matured for at least nine months. This is a hard cheese with solid texture.
This chees is ment to be over pasta dishes, stirred into soups and rissotos, and eaten on its own. It is often shaved or grated over other dishes like salads.
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Gorgonzola dolce 1,5 kg
Gorgonzola Dolce DOP is a soft, buttery, Italian blue cheese. The word “Dolce” meaning “sweet” in Italian. The cheese originates from the 12th century where it took its name from a small town in Lombardy near Milan. This is a pale and incredibly soft cheese with speckled blue veins running throughout. Traditionally ‘blued’ and ripened in rooms known as ‘purgatory’ where the temperature is kept around 72 degrees Fahreheit and humidity at a high 95%.