Crema Pistacchio 17% 0.50cl


Crema Pistacchio 17% 0.50cl is a delicious Italian liqueur that combines the rich flavour of pistachios with a creamy texture. With an alcohol content of 17%, this indulgent treat is perfect for sipping on its own, over ice, or as an ingredient in your favourite cocktails. Its sweet, nutty taste makes it an excellent choice for dessert lovers and a lovely addition to any celebration.



Crema Pistacchio 17% 0.50cl is a smooth and creamy Italian liqueur that beautifully captures the flavour of roasted pistachios. Made from high-quality ingredients, this liqueur has an alcohol content of 17% and offers a perfect balance of sweetness and nutty richness.

How to Drink Crema Pistacchio

To enjoy Crema Pistacchio, serve it chilled straight from the fridge or over ice for a refreshing treat. It also works wonderfully in cocktails; try mixing it with coffee or in a creamy milkshake for a nutty twist.

What to Pair It With

Crema Pistacchio pairs perfectly with desserts, making it an ideal complement to chocolate mousse, panna cotta, or cheesecake. It also goes well with coffee, enhancing your after-dinner experience. For a special touch, drizzle it over vanilla ice cream or use it as a filling for pastries.

In summary, Crema Pistacchio 17% 0.50cl is a delicious and versatile liqueur that brings the delightful taste of pistachios to your glass. Perfect for sipping or mixing, it promises to add a touch of luxury to any occasion.


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