Crema Nocciola 17% 0.50cl
Crema Nocciola 17% 0.50cl is a delicious Italian liqueur that combines the rich flavour of hazelnuts with a smooth, creamy texture. With an alcohol content of 17%, it’s perfect for sipping on its own, over ice, or as a nutty addition to cocktails. Its sweet, nutty taste makes it a wonderful choice for dessert lovers and a great treat for any occasion.
Crema Nocciola 17% 0.50cl is a luxurious Italian hazelnut cream liqueur that offers a rich and indulgent experience with every sip. With an alcohol content of 17%.
You can enjoy this liqueur chilled straight from the fridge or over ice for a delicious treat. It also works wonderfully in cocktails, adding a sweet hazelnut flavour to drinks like espresso martinis or creamy coffee cocktails.
This liqueur pairs perfectly with desserts, making it an ideal complement to chocolate desserts, panna cotta, or ice cream. You can even drizzle it over pancakes or use it in baking for an extra nutty kick.