Strega Liquor 40% 0.70cl
Strega Liquor 40% 0.70cl is a renowned Italian herbal liqueur known for its unique blend of flavours and vibrant yellow colour. With an alcohol content of 40 per cent, this liqueur is perfect for sipping neat, over ice, or as an intriguing addition to cocktails. It pairs beautifully with desserts like panna cotta or fruit tarts, making it a great choice for after dinner.
Strega Liquor 40% 0.70cl is an iconic Italian liqueur celebrated for its complex flavour profile and bright yellow hue. With an alcohol content of 40 per cent, this herbal liqueur is crafted from a secret recipe that includes over 70 herbs and spices, resulting in a truly distinctive taste.
This liquor is enjoyed in various ways. It can be sipped neat from a chilled glass for the most authentic experience. Or poured over ice for a refreshing twist, or used in cocktails to add depth and character. Its unique flavour makes it an excellent choice for mixing with other spirits.
Strega Liquor pairs beautifully with a range of desserts, making it a fantastic addition to any gathering. It complements rich flavours like panna cotta, cheesecake, or fruit tarts, enhancing your dining experience with its aromatic sweetness.
Produced by: Distilleria Liquore Strega